




Critically discuss this statement and its implications for managing change in organisations: Discuss and carry out data collection Assignment , UK

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Critically discuss this statement and its implications for managing change in organisations: Discuss and carry out data collection Assignment , UK

UniversityUniversity Of Cambridge (UOC)
SubjectCritically discuss this statement and its implications for managing change in organisations

Task 1:- 

Demonstrate the ability to formulate a research question. 

1.1: Describe the 2 theoretical perspectives behind research. 

1.2: Develop a research question.

ustify the theoretical perspective chosen to answer your research question.

Critically review appropriate literature

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Task 2:- 

Undertake a pilot research project which does not require ethical approval.

  • Evaluate different methodologies used in research and identify appropriate one to answer your research question.
  • Evaluate the differing data collection methods available for your methodology.
  • Discuss and carry out data collection.

Task 3:-

Critically evaluate research outcomes.
3.1: Evaluate and present data collected in an appropriate manner.
3.2: Critically evaluate results, producing discussion and conclusions.
3.3: Develop a disseminate findings short presentation to.
3.4: Produce a critique of the process and the limitations of the project.

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