UK Diploma Assignment Questions

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18 February, 2023

Demonstrate a knowledge of the research process from both an academic and practitioner perspective: Market Research Methods Research Paper, KCL, UK
Learning Outcomes Demonstrate a knowledge of the research process from both an academic and practitioner perspective. Use and implement a range of academic and practitioner research methods. Recognize the advantages and limitations of commonly used academic and practitioner research techniques. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the ethical problems and issues related to academic and practi...

01 January, 2023

Choose an appropriate topic for your research project and discuss this with your tutor to agree on the focus of your work: Healthcare Research Paper, NU, UK
Choose an appropriate topic for your research project, and discuss this with your tutor to agree on the focus of your work before undertaking any further activity. The topic you select can be from a list provided by your tutor or one that you have identified however in either instance the parameters should be negotiated and agreed upon with your tutor. Using your wider reading on the subject, devi...

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06 December, 2022

FDN021: You will be required to select a research topic or area from the United Nations Sustainable Development: Negotiated Learning Project Research paper, UON,UK
Purpose of the Assessment You will be required to select a research topic/area from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and negotiate a specific research problem/ question from that area. You will create a presentation, which you will record a voiceover too. Your presentation will include the proposal/problem statement outlining the ‘problem’ and why it matters, the ideal ...

31 May, 2023

Provide a brief summary of your research describing what you set to explore with your research and the significance of it: Early Childhood Studies Research Paper, MUL, UK
Provide a brief summary of your research (a short paragraph describing what you set to explore with your research and the significance of it within the field of Early Childhood or Education or Special Education): Research ethics principles Identify three ethical principles that will inform the way you plan and implement your research inquiry.  You must introduce each principle and explain how y...

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07 August, 2023

If you are conducting research directly with a company, you will need to provide evidence of consent: Accounting and Finance Research Paper, UOG, UK
Research Project Proposal Task The Research Proposal should be submitted using the Accounting and Finance Research Proposal Form. This form is downloadable from the Accounting and Finance Project module area in Canvas. The Accounting and Finance Research Proposal Form is comprised of two sections: The Proposal Template The Ethical Review Form You are required to complete both sections; together,...

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