



ATHE Level 6 Assignments


Human Resource Management ATHE Level 6 Assignment Answer UK

Human Resource Management ATHE Level 6 Assignment Answer UK

Human Resource Management ATHE Level 6 course has been designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of human resource management at an advanced level. Whether you are aspiring to pursue a career in HR or seeking to enhance your existing knowledge and skills, this course will equip you with the necessary tools and insights to succeed in the field.

Throughout this course, we will explore a wide range of topics related to human resource management, including talent acquisition and retention, employee development and training, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations, and strategic HR planning. We will delve into the latest theories, concepts, and best practices, ensuring that you are up to date with the current trends and developments in the field.

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Below, we will discuss some assignment activities. These are:

Assignment Activity 1: Understand how human resource management contributes to organisational effectiveness.

Compare different definitions of strategic human resource management.

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) refers to the alignment of HR practices and policies with the overall strategic goals and objectives of an organization. Various scholars and experts have provided different definitions of SHRM over the years, reflecting different perspectives and emphases. Here are some key definitions of strategic human resource management:

  1. Michael Armstrong: “Strategic HRM is an approach to the development and implementation of HR strategies that are integrated with business strategies and enable the organization to achieve its objectives.”
  2. Jeffrey A. Mello: “Strategic HRM is the linking of HRM with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational cultures that foster innovation and flexibility.”
  3. John Bratton and Jeffrey Gold: “Strategic HRM is concerned with explaining how HRM influences organizational performance, and with proposing how HRM policies and practices can be improved to achieve this.”
  4. David Guest: “Strategic HRM is the process by which the management of an organization ensures that HRM is fully integrated with the strategic objectives of the organization.”
  5. Susan E. Jackson and Randall S. Schuler: “Strategic HRM refers to the use of HRM policies and practices that directly contribute to the attainment of competitive advantage through the utilization of an organization’s human resources.”
  6. Dave Ulrich: “Strategic HRM is about generating organizational capability by creating high-performance cultures, effective processes, and appropriate structures to meet business goals.”

These definitions highlight the importance of aligning HR practices with strategic goals, improving organizational performance, fostering innovation and flexibility, integrating HRM with overall business strategies, attaining competitive advantage, and building organizational capability. Overall, strategic HRM aims to position human resources as a valuable asset that drives organizational success in a dynamic and competitive environment.

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Analyse the contribution human resource management makes to organisational effectiveness.

Human resource management (HRM) plays a crucial role in enhancing organizational effectiveness. It involves the strategic management of an organization’s workforce to achieve its goals and objectives. The following are key contributions HRM makes to organizational effectiveness:

  1. Workforce Planning and Recruitment: HRM ensures that the organization has the right people in the right positions. By conducting workforce planning and analyzing the organization’s needs, HRM helps identify the required skills and competencies. Effective recruitment strategies, including sourcing, screening, and selection, ensure that talented individuals are hired, promoting organizational productivity.
  2. Employee Training and Development: HRM facilitates the learning and development of employees. Through training programs, workshops, and continuous education initiatives, HRM enhances employees’ skills, knowledge, and abilities. This investment in employee development improves their performance, increases job satisfaction, and contributes to overall organizational effectiveness.
  3. Performance Management: HRM establishes performance management systems that align individual and team goals with organizational objectives. It involves setting clear performance expectations, providing regular feedback, and evaluating employees’ performance. Effective performance management motivates employees to perform at their best, fosters a culture of accountability, and supports organizational effectiveness.
  4. Compensation and Benefits: HRM designs and administers compensation and benefits programs to attract, retain, and motivate talented employees. Fair and competitive compensation packages, including salary, bonuses, and benefits, contribute to employee satisfaction and engagement. When employees feel valued and rewarded, they are more likely to contribute to the organization’s success.
  5. Employee Engagement and Retention: HRM focuses on creating a positive work environment that fosters employee engagement and retention. This includes promoting work-life balance, providing opportunities for growth and advancement, and fostering a supportive and inclusive culture. Engaged and committed employees are more productive, innovative, and likely to stay with the organization, reducing turnover costs and promoting organizational effectiveness.
  6. Conflict Resolution and Employee Relations: HRM plays a crucial role in managing conflicts and maintaining healthy employee relations. By providing channels for open communication, addressing grievances, and promoting fair treatment, HRM helps create a harmonious work environment. Resolving conflicts effectively minimizes disruptions, promotes collaboration, and enhances organizational effectiveness.
  7. Organizational Culture and Change Management: HRM plays a significant role in shaping and managing the organizational culture. By establishing and communicating core values, HRM influences employee behavior and fosters a positive culture that aligns with the organization’s goals. Additionally, HRM helps manage organizational change by facilitating communication, providing support, and ensuring employee buy-in, enabling the organization to adapt and thrive.
  8. Legal Compliance and Ethical Practices: HRM ensures the organization adheres to legal and regulatory requirements related to employment practices. Compliance with labor laws, diversity and inclusion regulations, and ethical standards contributes to organizational effectiveness by avoiding legal issues, promoting a diverse workforce, and enhancing the organization’s reputation.

Evaluate the different approaches organisations take to staff recruitment and selection.

Organizations employ various approaches to staff recruitment and selection, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Here are some common approaches and their evaluation:

  1. Internal Promotion:
    • Strengths: Promoting existing employees encourages loyalty, motivation, and retention. It recognizes and rewards employees’ performance, boosting morale and job satisfaction. Internal candidates are familiar with the organization’s culture and operations.
    • Weaknesses: Limited pool of candidates may restrict diversity and fresh perspectives. It can lead to a lack of new skills and ideas if external talent is not considered.
  2. Employee Referrals:
    • Strengths: Employees refer individuals who are a good fit culturally and professionally. Referrals tend to have higher job satisfaction and stay longer. It saves time and resources in sourcing candidates.
    • Weaknesses: May limit diversity and perpetuate existing biases if referrals come from a homogeneous workforce. May result in favoritism or nepotism if not managed properly.
  3. Job Advertisements:
    • Strengths: Widens the reach to attract a larger pool of candidates. Enables organizations to specify required qualifications and skills. Allows for diversity and inclusion initiatives.
    • Weaknesses: High volume of applications may require extensive screening. Candidates may exaggerate or misrepresent their skills and qualifications. Costly and time-consuming process.
  4. Recruitment Agencies:
    • Strengths: Agencies have expertise in identifying suitable candidates, conducting initial screenings, and managing logistics. They often have access to passive candidates not actively seeking jobs.
    • Weaknesses: Agencies can be expensive, particularly for specialized roles. May result in a lack of in-depth knowledge of the organization’s culture and specific requirements.
  5. Online Job Portals:
    • Strengths: Provides a vast database of potential candidates. Enables organizations to search for specific skills and qualifications. Offers convenience and cost-effectiveness.
    • Weaknesses: Sorting through numerous applications can be time-consuming. Difficult to verify the accuracy of information provided by candidates. Limited ability to assess soft skills and cultural fit.
  6. Assessment Centers:
    • Strengths: Comprehensive evaluation of candidates through simulations, exercises, and interviews. Provides a more accurate assessment of skills, abilities, and potential.
    • Weaknesses: Resource-intensive and costly to set up and administer. Candidates may feel overwhelmed or anxious during the assessment process. Limited ability to assess long-term performance.
  7. Panel Interviews:
    • Strengths: Multiple interviewers bring diverse perspectives and reduce individual biases. Allows for in-depth exploration of candidates’ qualifications, experience, and suitability for the role.
    • Weaknesses: Can be intimidating for candidates, hindering their ability to perform at their best. Time-consuming process, especially with multiple candidates. May not fully capture candidates’ abilities in a formal setting.

Organizations should consider their specific needs, resources, and desired outcomes when selecting recruitment and selection approaches. Often, a combination of methods can yield the best results, ensuring a diverse candidate pool while also identifying the most suitable individuals for the organization.

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Assignment Activity 2: Understand the formulation and implementation of human resource management plans.

Analyse the human resource management process.

The human resource management (HRM) process refers to the systematic approach organizations take to manage their human resources effectively. It involves various stages and activities aimed at acquiring, developing, and retaining employees, as well as ensuring their well-being and aligning their efforts with the organization’s goals. Here’s an analysis of the HRM process:

  1. Human Resource Planning: This initial stage involves determining the organization’s current and future human resource needs based on its strategic goals. HR professionals analyze factors such as workforce demographics, skills gaps, and anticipated changes to create a plan for acquiring and developing talent.
  2. Recruitment and Selection: This stage involves attracting and selecting qualified candidates to fill job vacancies. It includes activities like creating job descriptions, advertising job openings, conducting interviews, and assessing candidates’ skills and qualifications. The goal is to hire individuals who fit the organization’s culture and have the necessary competencies.
  3. Training and Development: Once employees are hired, HRM focuses on enhancing their skills and knowledge through training and development initiatives. This can include on-the-job training, workshops, seminars, and educational programs. Effective training and development programs help employees grow professionally, adapt to changes, and contribute effectively to organizational objectives.
  4. Performance Management: This stage involves setting performance standards, providing feedback, and evaluating employees’ performance. It includes activities like setting goals, conducting regular performance appraisals, offering constructive feedback, and recognizing achievements. Performance management ensures that employees’ efforts align with organizational objectives and helps identify areas for improvement or additional training.
  5. Compensation and Benefits: HRM is responsible for designing and managing a fair and competitive compensation system. This includes determining salary structures, administering employee benefits such as healthcare, retirement plans, and other perks. Effective compensation and benefits strategies help attract and retain talented employees and motivate them to perform at their best.
  6. Employee Relations: HRM plays a crucial role in managing employee relations and maintaining a positive work environment. This includes addressing conflicts, resolving grievances, promoting diversity and inclusion, and ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations. Strong employee relations contribute to higher job satisfaction, productivity, and employee retention.
  7. Health and Safety: Ensuring the well-being and safety of employees is an essential aspect of HRM. Organizations must comply with health and safety regulations, provide a safe working environment, and implement policies and procedures to prevent accidents and promote employee wellness. This involves conducting risk assessments, providing safety training, and addressing any potential hazards promptly.
  8. Employee Engagement and Retention: HRM focuses on fostering employee engagement and retention by creating a supportive and inclusive work culture. This includes promoting work-life balance, recognizing and rewarding employees’ contributions, offering career development opportunities, and providing avenues for open communication and employee feedback. Engaged and satisfied employees are more likely to stay with the organization and contribute to its success.
  9. HR Metrics and Analytics: The HRM process relies on data-driven decision-making. HR professionals use metrics and analytics to measure and analyze various HR-related factors such as employee turnover, productivity, training effectiveness, and diversity. This helps identify trends, assess the impact of HR initiatives, and make informed decisions to optimize the organization’s human resources.

Assess roles in the human resource management function in organisations.

Human resource management (HRM) plays a vital role in organizations by managing the human capital and aligning it with the organization’s strategic goals. The HRM function encompasses various roles and responsibilities that contribute to the effective management of employees. Here are some key roles in HRM:

  1. HR Manager/HR Director: The HR manager or director oversees the entire HR function within the organization. They develop HR strategies, policies, and programs aligned with the organization’s objectives. They ensure compliance with employment laws, handle employee relations, and provide guidance on HR issues to the management team.
  2. Recruitment and Selection Specialist: This role focuses on attracting and selecting the right talent for the organization. Recruitment specialists develop recruitment strategies, advertise job openings, screen resumes, conduct interviews, and assess candidates’ qualifications. They collaborate with hiring managers to ensure a smooth recruitment process and make informed hiring decisions.
  3. Training and Development Specialist: These professionals identify training needs within the organization and design and deliver training programs to enhance employee skills and knowledge. They may conduct training sessions on various topics such as leadership development, technical skills, compliance, and diversity and inclusion. They also evaluate the effectiveness of training initiatives.
  4. Compensation and Benefits Specialist: This role involves designing and managing compensation and benefits programs to attract, motivate, and retain employees. Compensation specialists conduct salary surveys, develop pay structures, administer employee benefits, and ensure compliance with legal requirements. They may also handle performance-based incentives, bonuses, and employee recognition programs.
  5. Employee Relations Specialist: Employee relations specialists focus on fostering positive relationships between employees and the organization. They handle employee grievances, mediate conflicts, and ensure fair treatment and compliance with employment laws and company policies. They may also develop employee engagement initiatives and promote a positive work culture.
  6. HR Information Systems (HRIS) Specialist: HRIS specialists manage and maintain HR technology systems and databases. They ensure accurate employee data records, implement HR software solutions, and provide technical support to HR staff and employees. They may also generate reports and analyze HR data to support strategic decision-making.
  7. Compliance Specialist: Compliance specialists ensure adherence to labor laws, regulations, and internal policies. They stay updated on changes in employment laws, maintain HR policies and procedures, and train employees on compliance-related matters. They also handle record-keeping and reporting requirements related to employment and labor regulations.
  8. HR Business Partner: HR business partners work closely with the organization’s management team to align HR strategies with business objectives. They provide strategic HR advice, identify HR needs to support business goals, and assist in organizational development initiatives. They act as a bridge between HR and other departments, facilitating communication and collaboration.

These roles may vary depending on the organization’s size, industry, and structure. However, they represent key functions within HRM that contribute to managing the organization’s workforce effectively and efficiently.

Analyse the development and implementation of human resource management plans.


The development and implementation of human resource management (HRM) plans is a critical process for organizations to effectively manage their workforce and align it with their strategic objectives. This process involves several key steps and considerations. Let’s analyze them in detail:

  1. Assessing Organizational Needs: HRM plans start with a thorough assessment of the organization’s current and future human resource requirements. This involves analyzing the existing workforce, identifying skills gaps, anticipating future talent needs, and considering external factors like industry trends, technological advancements, and regulatory changes.
  2. Defining HR Objectives: Once the needs assessment is complete, HR professionals collaborate with key stakeholders to define clear and measurable HR objectives. These objectives align with the overall organizational goals and can include areas such as recruitment, training and development, performance management, employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, and succession planning.
  3. Formulating HR Strategies: Based on the defined objectives, HR professionals develop strategies to address the identified gaps and challenges. These strategies outline the specific actions and initiatives required to achieve the HR objectives. For example, if the objective is to attract and retain top talent, the strategy might include employer branding initiatives, competitive compensation packages, and targeted recruitment efforts.
  4. Resource Allocation: HRM plans require careful allocation of resources, including budgetary considerations. Organizations need to allocate appropriate funding for HR initiatives such as recruitment advertising, training programs, employee benefits, and technology infrastructure. Resource allocation should be aligned with the priorities identified in the HR strategies.
  5. Implementation and Execution: Once the HR strategies are formulated and resources are allocated, the next step is to implement the planned initiatives. This involves translating the strategies into action by carrying out activities such as recruitment and selection, training and development programs, performance evaluations, employee engagement initiatives, and diversity and inclusion programs. Clear timelines, responsibilities, and performance metrics should be established to monitor progress and ensure accountability.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuous monitoring and evaluation are essential to assess the effectiveness of HRM plans. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be identified to measure progress toward the defined HR objectives. Regular data collection and analysis help identify areas of improvement, make necessary adjustments, and ensure the plans remain aligned with the evolving needs of the organization.
  7. Feedback and Improvement: HRM plans should be flexible enough to incorporate feedback from employees, managers, and other stakeholders. Gathering feedback through surveys, focus groups, or performance evaluations helps identify any gaps or challenges and provides insights for further improvement. HR professionals should use this feedback to refine and enhance the HRM plans continuously.
  8. Integration with Organizational Culture: Successful implementation of HRM plans requires integration with the organization’s culture and values. HR initiatives should align with the company’s mission, vision, and core principles. By incorporating cultural considerations, HR professionals can ensure that the plans are well-received and embraced by employees, fostering a positive work environment and enhancing employee satisfaction.

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Assignment Activity 3: Understand contemporary issues affecting human resource management in organisations.

Analyse the impact of culture and structure on human resource management in organisations.

Culture and structure play significant roles in shaping human resource management (HRM) practices within organizations. Let’s analyze the impact of culture and structure on HRM:


Organizational culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors that characterize an organization. It influences HRM in the following ways:

  1. Recruitment and Selection: Culture determines the desired qualities and characteristics sought in potential employees. HRM practices such as job advertisements, interviews, and assessments are designed to assess cultural fit to ensure alignment with the organization’s values and beliefs.
  2. Training and Development: Culture shapes the organization’s learning environment and the type of skills and knowledge that are valued. HRM needs to align training programs with the cultural values and promote continuous learning that supports the organization’s cultural norms.
  3. Performance Management: Culture affects the criteria for evaluating employee performance. In some organizations, individual achievements may be emphasized, while others may focus on teamwork and collaboration. HRM must design performance appraisal systems that reflect and reinforce the desired cultural behaviors and outcomes.
  4. Employee Engagement: Culture influences employee motivation, satisfaction, and commitment. HRM practices such as communication, recognition, and rewards should be aligned with the cultural values to foster a positive work environment and enhance employee engagement.
  5. Diversity and Inclusion: Culture plays a crucial role in managing diversity and fostering inclusivity. HRM should develop strategies to promote diversity, create an inclusive culture, and address any cultural biases that may hinder equal opportunities.


Organizational structure refers to the formal arrangement of roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships within an organization. It affects HRM in the following ways:

  1. Job Design and Analysis: The organizational structure determines the division of labor and the allocation of tasks. HRM should ensure that job roles are well-defined, and job designs support the overall organizational structure to promote clarity and efficiency.
  2. Decision-making Authority: The structure defines the levels of authority and decision-making within the organization. HRM needs to establish clear guidelines for HR decisions, delegate authority appropriately, and ensure consistency across the organization.
  3. Communication Channels: The structure determines the flow of communication within the organization. HRM should establish effective communication channels to disseminate information, policies, and procedures, fostering transparency and timely feedback.
  4. Career Progression and Promotion: The structure provides the framework for career progression and advancement opportunities. HRM should align career development paths with the organizational structure, ensuring a clear path for employees’ growth and recognition.
  5. Coordination and Collaboration: The structure influences the level of coordination and collaboration among different departments and teams. HRM should foster cross-functional collaboration and create mechanisms to facilitate coordination and knowledge-sharing across the organization.

It is important to note that culture and structure interact with each other. The culture of an organization can influence its structure, and vice versa. HRM plays a crucial role in managing this interaction and ensuring that the culture and structure are aligned to support the organization’s goals and strategies.

Explain the effect of current legislation on human resource management in organisations.

Legislation plays a significant role in shaping human resource management practices by setting guidelines, regulations, and standards that organizations must adhere to when dealing with their employees. Here are some key areas where legislation can have an effect:

  1. Employment contracts and terms: Legislation often defines the minimum standards for employment contracts, including aspects such as wages, working hours, overtime, leave entitlements, and termination procedures. These laws protect employees’ rights and ensure fair and equitable treatment in the workplace.
  2. Anti-discrimination and equal opportunity: Legislation prohibits workplace discrimination based on factors such as age, gender, race, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. Organizations must comply with these laws to ensure fair hiring practices, equal opportunities for advancement, and a respectful work environment.
  3. Health and safety: Legislation establishes guidelines to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for employees. Organizations must comply with regulations related to workplace hazards, occupational safety, emergency protocols, and employee welfare. Failure to meet these requirements can lead to legal consequences and penalties.
  4. Privacy and data protection: Legislation, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, imposes strict rules on the collection, storage, and use of employee data. Organizations must obtain consent, handle data securely, and respect employees’ privacy rights.
  5. Labor relations and collective bargaining: Legislation may outline the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees regarding unionization, collective bargaining, and labor disputes. These laws govern the formation of unions, negotiations for employment terms, and the resolution of conflicts between labor and management.
  6. Immigration and work authorization: Legislation regulates the employment of foreign nationals, including visa requirements, work permits, and immigration policies. Organizations must comply with these laws when hiring and managing employees from other countries.
  7. Employment taxes and benefits: Legislation governs the taxation of employee income, social security contributions, and benefits such as healthcare, pensions, and unemployment insurance. Organizations must comply with tax laws and ensure proper withholding and reporting of employee earnings.
  8. Whistleblower protection: Legislation may provide legal protections for employees who report wrongdoing or unethical behavior within an organization. This encourages transparency and accountability and safeguards employees from retaliation.

Assess the impact of globalisation on human resource management in organisations.

Globalization has had a significant impact on human resource management (HRM) in organizations worldwide. It has brought about both challenges and opportunities, reshaping how companies attract, develop, and retain talent. Here are some key impacts of globalization on HRM:

  1. Expanded talent pool: Globalization has increased access to a diverse talent pool. Organizations can now recruit from a global pool of candidates, tapping into a wider range of skills, knowledge, and experiences. This has opened up opportunities for companies to build more diverse and inclusive workforces, which can lead to improved innovation and problem-solving.
  2. Multicultural workforce: With globalization, organizations are increasingly managing multicultural workforces. HRM must navigate the complexities of cultural differences, language barriers, and diverse work styles. This requires implementing effective cross-cultural training programs, fostering inclusive environments, and promoting cultural sensitivity to ensure harmonious collaboration and productivity.
  3. Global mobility: Globalization has facilitated increased employee mobility, with organizations deploying personnel across borders for assignments, transfers, or international projects. HRM must manage global mobility programs, including immigration, work permits, tax implications, and relocation support. Additionally, HRM must address the challenges of repatriation and leveraging the skills and experiences gained from international assignments.
  4. Virtual work and technology: Globalization has accelerated the rise of virtual work arrangements and remote teams. HRM needs to adapt to managing geographically dispersed employees, ensuring effective communication, collaboration, and performance management. It also involves providing the necessary technology infrastructure, policies, and practices to support virtual work arrangements and maintain employee engagement.
  5. Global HR policies and practices: Globalization requires standardizing HR policies and practices across borders while also accommodating local laws and cultural norms. HRM must strike a balance between global consistency and local adaptation. This includes developing global HR policies, ensuring compliance with employment regulations in different countries, and managing the complexities of global compensation and benefits programs.
  6. Talent management and development: Globalization has intensified competition for talent. HRM must focus on attracting, developing, and retaining high-potential employees in a global context. This involves designing talent management strategies, implementing global leadership development programs, and creating opportunities for cross-cultural learning and skill enhancement.
  7. Ethical and social responsibility: Globalization has brought increased attention to ethical and social responsibility issues in HRM. Organizations need to address concerns such as fair labor practices, human rights, and sustainability throughout their global operations. HRM plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance, promoting ethical behavior, and fostering a culture of corporate social responsibility.

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