




Implementing CSR activities within organisations to meet sustainable objectives: BTEC Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment, UK

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Implementing CSR activities within organisations to meet sustainable objectives: BTEC Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project Assignment, UK

UniversityRegent College London (RCL)
SubjectBTEC Unit 6: Managing a Successful Business Project

Scenario and activity:

You are employed as an Assistant Project Manager within the team working for sustainable objectives of an organisation that has a context to engage in both local UK and international business (choose similar type of organisation to work for this assessment).

You have been asked to conduct a small-scale project, in the form of an investigative project report in “implementing CSR activities within organisations to meet sustainable objectives”. The project will involve investigating how the organisation is actioning Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in its different organisational functions like Marketing, Production Operations and HR etc. The learner, in the role of an assistance project manager, can focus on any one of the organisational functions and  CSR implementation within the organisation using primary and secondary research. Secondary research be used to build a context for CSR implementation in different functions of the organisation while primary research be used to focus on a specific organisational function and CSR implementation within that function.

In order to conduct your project successfully to produce your project report you will need take the following steps:

Step 1 – Project planning

1.    Devise a project management plan (PMP) to map out how you intend to meet the project objectives:

  •   Begin with the scope. What activities and tasks as defined in your project must be done in order to make the project a success?

  •   Note the milestones or major events or phases in your project.

  • Provide details of activities to be carried out initiation, planning, and execution of the project.

  • Create a work break down structure using a Gantt chart to track the activities to be undertaken.

Step 2 – Conduct primary and secondary research

  1.  Design a short questionnaire/ or interview questions relevant to organisational function where CSR implementation is being observed?

  2. Research in at least one organisational function to see how the company is implementing CSR in achieving sustainable organisational objectives.

  3. Research the value and benefits of implementing CSR in an organisation to achieve sustainable organisational objectives.

  4.    Identify hurdles in implementing CSR.

Step 3 – Present Findings

  1. Collate your research and interpret/analyse your data using appropriate tools such as descriptive statistics function in Excel, use of graphs and charts etc.

  2. Produce and present the formal research report with complete findings.’

  3.   Be sure to include your recommendations with justification at the end.

Step 4 – Reflective Practice

Complete a performance review to critically reflect upon the project plan, process, and outcomes in terms of your own personal and professional development. Think about how well you have performed and achieved your project objectives, what obstacles did you face and overcome? Wat worked well or not. What have you learnt from completing this project?

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Learning Outcomes:

Explain the key stages of the project lifecycle that should be considered when project managing

P1 Explain the stages of the project lifecycle (PLC) and their importance to the success of a project.

P2 Examine the factors to be considered when compiling a project management plan (PMP).

P3 Examine a range of research methods and strategies and their importance to project management.

M1 Evaluate the stages of the PLC and the factors, (deliverables, quality, risk, communication, and resources) to be considered in a PMP.

M2 Evaluate a range of research methods and strategies for gathering information and data collection


Produce a Project Management Plan (PMP) for a business project using primary and secondary research methods

P4 Produce a PMP that covers, aim, objectives, deliverables, quality, risk, communication resources and research methods. 

P5 Produce a work breakdown structure and a schedule to provide timeframes and stages for completion.

M3 Produce a detailed PMP, and schedule for monitoring and completing the aims and objectives of the project.

Implement the Project Management Plan (PMP) to communicate results from the research and make conclusions from the evidence of findings

P6 Conduct a business project as stated within the PMP and communicate findings.

P7 Present data to draw valid and meaningful conclusions and recommendations from data analysis.

M4 Justify conclusions and recommendations drawn from data analysis and findings to meet the stated project objectives.

Reflect on value gained from implementing the project and the project management process.

P8 Reflect on the value of undertaking the business project to meet stated objectives and own learning and performance.

M5 Evaluate the project management process to meet stated objectives and support own learning and performance.

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