




Explain how you decided which technical skill to develop and why youchose that skill, refer to your SWOT analysis: Personal and professional development Report, TUM, UK

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Explain how you decided which technical skill to develop and why youchose that skill, refer to your SWOT analysis: Personal and professional development Report, TUM, UK

UniversityThe University of Manchester (TUM)
SubjectPersonal and professional development Report

Important note: Coursework is marked on the understanding that it is the student’s own work on the module and that it has not, in whole or part, been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources, this must be properly acknowledged in accordance with the University’s Regulations regarding Academic Misconduct.
Your report should include: (Word counts for each section are a guide, it is the overall word count that matters. Your appendices and reference lists are not part of the word count)
1) Introduction: what is this report about, what will be discussed and in what order? (around 100 words)

2) Reflection on academic skills development activity (around 700 words)

a. Choose a specific aspect of academic skills related to your degree programme, e.g., development of writing skills, research skills, public speaking or critical thinking.
b. Set yourself a specific SMART goal in relation to the chosen aspect of academic skills. Refer to your SWOT analysis.
c. Explain why you chose this goal, using critical thinking to explain your motivation and decision. Use academic literature to support your discussion.
d. Explain what action you took to work towards the goal.

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e. Explain: i) what went well, ii) what went less well
*assessment feedback received from your tutors may help you identify (i) and (iii)

f. How has your goal and your action to reach that goal impacted your academic performance? What will you do differently next year?
* assessment feedback received from your tutors may help you assess the impact and help with your further actions

g. Consider any measures you took to support your wellbeing and their impact on your progress towards your academic goal.

3) Reflection on your employability goal and student life activities (around 700 words)
a. Explain how you decided which technical skill to develop and why youchose that skill, refer to your SWOT analysis.
b. Critically discuss the course that you did, what you learned from it and how you found the independent learning. Use academic literature to support your discussion.

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