




5OS01 Evaluate the aims and objectives of employment regulation: Specialist Employment Law Assignment, NU, UK

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5OS01 Evaluate the aims and objectives of employment regulation: Specialist Employment Law Assignment, NU, UK

UniversityNorthumbria University (NU)
Subject 5OS01 Specialist Employment Law Assignment.

AC 1.1 Evaluate the aims and objectives of employment regulation.
Confident evaluation of three aims/objectives of employment law, with a detailed explanation of each, illustrated with examples of legislation. Mention of any potential development in this area of law and best practice.

AC 1.2 Examine the role played by the tribunal and court system in enforcing employment law.
Confident examination of each of the courts, all the relevant courts are mentioned, explained and there is a clear discussion around how the case goes from one to the next, and what happens at each stage. The learner has illustrated with examples. Mention of any potential development in this area of law and best practice.

AC 1.3 Explain how cases are settled before and during formal legal procedures.
Confident and detailed explanation of each of the stages in the process of resolving a dispute, discussion around the documentation needed, the role of the role of ACAS, what early conciliation is and its role in resolving disputes. A confident explanation of what happens if conciliation does not resolve the dispute, a definition of and confident explanation of the use of settlement agreements, and a discussion around alternative dispute resolution. Mention of any potential development in this area of law and best practice.

AC 2.1 Evaluate the principles of discrimination law in recruitment, selection, and employment.
Confident evaluation of the principles of discrimination with a clear link to the relevant legislation. A confident evaluation of the key features of the legislation, referring to and listing the protected characteristics. A confident discussion of how the law impacts on each of these activities: recruitment, selection, and employment, illustrated with examples. Mention of any potential development in this area of law and best practice.

AC 2.2 Discuss the legal requirements of equal pay
Confident discussion of the key features of the EA, including its impact on equal pay, risk of discrimination. A clear and detailed discussion of equal pay and gender pay gap reporting and the requirements of the legislation on these areas. An explanation of how organisations can defend an equal pay claim and how to conduct pay reviews. Mention of any potential development in this area of law and best practice.

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