Attend FEA laboratory sessions to understand how to apply boundary conditions: Mechanical Engineering Report, UOW, UK

University University of Wolverhampton (UOW)
Subject Mechanical Engineering

Learning outcomes 

  • Knowledge and understanding of mathematical methods necessary for the specific engineering discipline; application of the mathematical methods, tools, and notations proficiently in the analysis and solution of engineering problems.
  • Ability to apply and integrate knowledge and understanding of other engineering disciplines to support the study of their own engineering discipline.
  • Ability to apply quantitative and computational methods (FEA) in order to
    solve engineering problems and implement appropriate action.
  • Technical report writing and time management skills.

Assessment method:

Students will be required to:

a) Attend FEA laboratory sessions to understand how to apply boundary conditions, mesh a model using custom-defined meshing parameters, and investigate mesh convergence, stress concentrations, eigenvalue buckling, and spaceframe analysis.

b) Submit a report, which meets objectives, format, and deadline as specified in this form.

c) Work must be conducted using the Ansys FEA package.


To introduce the problem and explain why FEA can be used to investigate stress for these types of problems.


To show theoretical calculations to find the expected value of stress prior to FEA.
Methodology To outline the steps undertaken when conducting the FEA analysis.


To show results from the expected FEA package, Ansys Workbench. To include results using graphs or tables to compare specific parameters.


To undertake a critical analysis of the presented results. To give the results engineering context by referring to any literature discussed earlier in the document.


The ability to summarise work will be evaluated via a short report; the clarity of presentation, writing, figures, and tables is important. All graphs, figures, and tables must be labeled appropriately and referred to within the text. Any numerical figure discussed in the text must be supplied with the appropriate unit.


The aim of the assignment is to use finite element analysis (FEA) to show an understanding of failure analysis. You will undertake FEA on the pressure vessel shown in Fig. 1. Pressure vessels are used in many mechanical and automotive applications for the storage of high-pressure liquids and gases. You will be analyzing a pressure vessel to be used for the storage of hydrogen in a hydrogen fuel cell car. You are provided with an individual set of parameters according to your student number; the part must be drawn in line with these. The model can be drawn in 2D or 3D, the results must be validated with convergence plots; only one element type needs to be shown.

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