




You are employed as an administrator in the academic department of a private training center in your city: Project Management Assignment, UON, UK

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You are employed as an administrator in the academic department of a private training center in your city: Project Management Assignment, UON, UK

UniversityUniversity of Nottingham (UON)
SubjectProject Management
  • Learning Outcomes
  1. Establish project aims, objectives, and timeframes based on the chosen theme
  2. Conduct small-scale research, information gathering, and data collection to generate knowledge to support the project
  3. Present the project and communicate appropriate recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn from the evidence findings and/or analysis
  4. Reflect on the value gained from conducting the project and its usefulness to support sustainable organizational performance.
  • Scenario

You are employed as an administrator in the academic department of a private training center in your city. You have been asked to conduct a small-scale project, in the form of an investigative case study, into the possibility of transitioning half of the training center’s courses online. The project will involve investigating how the organisation delivered lessons temporarily when COVID restrictions were imposed in Uzbekistan and what constituted good practice during this time.

This will be presented to your line manager as a business case with proposals to implement the permanent transition to 50% online delivery of courses. Make sure to include a PID at the beginning of your proposal and use CPA and GANTT charts to map out how much time would be required to complete the project including time for a review period. To ensure the project is managed effectively you will complete a project logbook as you progress through the project


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