An introduction to provide an overview of the different types of organizations in different sectors: Business Environment Assignment, UOD, UK

University University Of Dundee (UOD)
Subject Business Environment Assignment

STEP 1: Choose ONE organization from the Private Sector

STEP 2: STRUCTURE A REPORT The Report must contain:

a) An introduction to provide an overview of the different types of organisations in different sectors Answer guide 1. Choose one organization from the private sector. 2. Explain its aim. 3. Assess its structures and financing.

b) An explanation of the different legal structures including their advantages and disadvantages: Define the core principles for operating under different structures and the advantages and disadvantages.

 Answer guide 1. Explain different types of legal structures. 2. Outline advantage and disadvantages of each structure (use examples to support your answer) c) The differences between public and private ownership including the different forms of financing used for both: Identify what differences exist between public and private ownership and what impact does this have on the management of the organisation. Understand the different forms of financing used for both and management structures.

Answer guide 1. Define private and public ownership. 2. Compare and contrast them: Identify differences and similarities between them and outline the consequences for their management. 3. Identify different forms of financing both management structures. 7 d) An assessment of the UK Competition policy and the legislative framework surrounding anti-competitive practices: Assess extent and policy control of restrictive trading practices Consider the role of monopolies and cartels and the legislative framework surround antcompetitive practices. Answer guide

 1. Define different types of market structures (monopoly, oligopoly, competition).

2. Assess UK competition policy and its impact on the chosen firm. e) How the Competition and Markets Authority operates to review business practice and impact on the consumer: Explain how the Competition and Markets authority operates to review business practice and impact on the consumer. Answer guide 1. Explain what the Competition and Market Authority (CMA) is.

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