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CMI 502 Principles of Developing, Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams to Achieve Success Assignment UK
TASK 1 – 1.1: Performance Management – Approaches to Developing, Managing, and Leading Teams
Evaluate the use of theoretical models for developing, managing, and leading teams.
- Key Action: Consider the strengths, weaknesses, arguments for and against, and/or similarities and differences among models. Judge the evidence from different perspectives and make a valid conclusion or reasoned judgment.
- Theories to Consider (choose three):
- Team Roles (Belbin, 1981)
- Team Management Wheel (Margerison and McCann, 1990)
- Model of Team Development (Tuckman, c.1965)
- Tannenbaum and Schmidt Leadership Continuum (1958)
- Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid (c.1950s)
- Psychometric assessment tools (e.g., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 1943)
- Drivers of Employee Engagement (Robinson, Perryman, and Hayday, 2004)
- Speed of Trust (Covey, 2008)
- Conflict Mode Instrument (Thomas and Kilmann, 1974)
- Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, 1995)
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TASK 2 – 1.2: Performance Management – Techniques for Leading Individuals and Teams
Discuss practical approaches for effective team management and leadership.
- Key Considerations:
- Communicating organizational vision and goals as they apply to departments and teams.
- Approaches may include:
- Empowerment
- Delegation
- Collective ownership
- Conflict handling
- Creating a trusting environment
- Building resilience
- Taking responsibility vs. a blame culture
- Collaboration, fairness, and parity
- Work allocation
- Cultural awareness
- Individual and team development
TASK 3 – 1.3: Performance Management – Performance Management, Goal Setting, Delegation
Analyse strategies for managing team leaders.
- Key Strategies:
- Delegation
- Monitoring performance
- Setting targets
- Support and guidance
- Supervision and meetings
- Learning and development
TASK 4 – 1.4: Influencing and Communicating – Leading Multiple and Remote Teams
Develop approaches to respond to the challenges of managing and leading multiple and remote teams.
- Challenges:
- Communication (methods, types, times, frequency, availability)
- Access to business support
- Building and developing relationships
- Performance review
- Workload management
- Conflict resolution
- Quality and productivity
- Currency of working practices
- Time management
- Trust, morale, accountability, authority, and autonomy
- Incorporate the Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni, 2005)
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TASK 5 – 2.1: Performance Management – Achieving a Balance of Skills and Experience
Evaluate techniques for assessing current and future team capabilities and requirements.
- Techniques:
- Analysis of skills and experience against current organizational requirements.
- Identification of future organizational needs (e.g., strategy, projects, production plans).
- Skills matrix and capability assessment.
- Structured performance reviews.
- Identifying skills and experience gaps.
TASK 6 – 2.2: Recruitment – All LPCs
Analyse a process for recruiting team members.
- Process Steps:
- Review staff requirements.
- Consultation.
- Formulate job and person specifications.
- Conduct labour market research.
- Compliance with legal and organizational requirements.
- Create a recruitment plan.
- Approaches to attracting talent: advertising, recommendations, headhunting, internal recruitment, secondments, social networks.
- Shortlisting, interviewing, security checks, and offers.
TASK 7 – 2.3: Performance Management Webinar and Skills Days
Assess the factors impacting the selection of learning and development activities for individuals and teams.
- Factors to Consider:
- Budget and funding.
- Physical location of team members.
- Time constraints.
- Availability of suitable providers.
- Shift patterns.
- Compliance with legal/industry-specific regulations.
- Return on investment.
- Strategic objectives and priorities.
- Learning styles.
- Training needs and methods (e.g., formal/informal, on/off the job, blended learning, coaching, secondments, job shadowing, team building).
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TASK 8 – 2.4: Performance Management – Coaching and Mentoring
Examine the use of coaching and mentoring models to support team development.
- Uses:
- Skills and talent development.
- Embedding organizational culture and diversity attitudes.
- Enhancing performance, career development, retention, and engagement.
- Communication, reflective management, and self-management.
- Models to Consider:
- GROW Model (Whitmore, 1992)
- ACHIEVE Coaching Model (Dembkowski and Eldridge, 2003)
- CLEAR (Hawkins, 2012)
- Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC)
- Heron’s Six Categories of Intervention (1999)
TASK 9 – 3.1: Performance Management – Measuring Team Performance and Underperformance
Discuss methods used to monitor and manage individual and team performance.
- Methods:
- HR systems and processes.
- Internal and external quality standards.
- Audit processes.
- Qualitative measures (e.g., customer feedback, reviews).
- Quantitative measures (e.g., SMART objectives, KPIs, benchmarks).
- Service level agreements (SLAs).
- Structured performance reviews.
- 180°/360° feedback.
TASK 10 – 3.2: Performance Management – Performance Conversations
Evaluate good practices for enabling and supporting high-performing teams.
- Good Practices:
- Feedback and constructive criticism.
- Action planning (e.g., PIPs).
- Training, coaching, and mentoring.
- Formal performance management processes.
- Rewards, incentives, recognition, and praise.
- Psychological Contract (Rousseau, 1989).
TASK 11 – 3.3: Performance Management – Motivation
Analyse motivational techniques used to create high-performing teams.
- Techniques:
- Setting stretch goals and objectives.
- Creating energy and enthusiasm.
- Inspiring others.
- Conflict resolution and increased cooperation.
- Communicating shared purpose and vision.
- Building trust, incentives, and rewards.
- Relevant Theories:
- Vroom’s Expectancy Theory (1964)
- Likert’s Motivation and Management Systems (1967)
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