




Describe the different Classifications of fire and give examples of each. Describe how starvation, smothering: Chemistry of Combustion Assignment, ABS, UK

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Describe the different Classifications of fire and give examples of each. Describe how starvation, smothering: Chemistry of Combustion Assignment, ABS, UK

UniversityAston Business School (ABS)
SubjectChemistry of Combustion


  1. Describe the different Classifications of fire and give examples of each.
  2. Describe how starvation, smothering, and cooling can contribute to the extinguishing of a fire and outline how ONE extinguishing media would support each process.
  3. Describe the process of flashover and backdraught and how a firefighter might recognize the signs and symptoms of each
  4. Explain the meaning of the following terms and their relevance to firefighting operations.
    Fire point
    Spontaneous ignition temperature
    Spontaneous combustion
    Limits of flammability

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