




Explain the links between individual, team and organizational performance objectives: Team Management in Health and Social Care Assignment, OBU, UK

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Explain the links between individual, team and organizational performance objectives: Team Management in Health and Social Care Assignment, OBU, UK

UniversityOxford Brookes University (OBU)
SubjectTeam Management in Health and Social Care Assignment

Task 2

Write a report about performance objectives and how to manage team performance

  • Explain the links between individual, team, and organizational performance objectives.
  • Explain factors that influence forward planning in a team.
  •  Explain how to identify areas of individual and team responsibility in achieving objectives.
  • Explain how to identify and agree to aims and objectives to promote a shared vision within a team.
  • Evaluate how the vision and strategic direction of a team influence team practice.
  • Apply techniques to monitor progress in achieving team objectives.
  • Demonstrate how to provide constructive feedback when underperformance is identified.
  •  Explain how team members can be managed when performance does not meet the agreed requirements.

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