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BM414:ALPHA Limited is a manufacturing company based in UK. ALPHA Limited started back in 1954: Financial Decision Making Assignment, BNU, UK
University | bucks new university (BNU) |
Subject | Financial Decision Making |
This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:
1. Explain the structure of and terms used within the financial statements
2. Apply management accounting techniques for planning, control, and decision making within the organization
3. Calculate the main accounting ratios and explain their significance to users of financial statement
4. Demonstrate knowledge of the role of finance and accounting within the organization with respect to both reporting and decision-making aspects
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The Assignment Task:
Please note;
ALPHA Limited is a manufacturing company based in the UK. ALPHA Limited started back in 1954. The company is planning to expand its operations to other parts of the UK in the next ten (10) years. The financial statements are attached for your consideration. You are advised to incorporate the suggested amendments/feedback you received from the module leader during the assignment briefing.
Task 1
Accounting and Finance functions are paramount to any organization. Critically evaluate the role of accounting and finance within any organization of your choice (i.e. related to your academic discipline/program). Your evaluation must include some examples within the organization where appropriate.
Task 2
Using the financial statements for ALPHA Limited calculate the ratios required and comment on the company’s performance from a potential investor’s perspective.
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In search of expert assignment writing help? Need specialized Finance Assignment Help UK? Look no further! We cater to UK students, offering comprehensive assistance for Financial Decision Making at Bucks New University (BNU). Explore the journey of ALPHA Limited, a manufacturing company established in the UK since 1954. Our experts are prepared to guide you through your Financial Decision Making Assignment, ensuring success at BNU, UK. Don’t miss the chance to excel in your studies with our expert support.