




Describe features of inclusion. How can a teacher or trainer create an inclusive teaching environment: chris Assignment, CU, UK

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Describe features of inclusion. How can a teacher or trainer create an inclusive teaching environment: chris Assignment, CU, UK

UniversityConventry University (CU)
Subjectchris Assignment

⦁ Describe features of inclusion. How can a teacher or trainer create an inclusive teaching environment?
For example: Ice breakers (PG: 98-100), ILPs (PG: 60), individual questions to learners, group work (PG: 130-134), promoting ground rules (PG: 101-102), learning environment (PG:25-27)

⦁ Explain a minimum of two teaching and learning theories that promote ‘inclusion’.
For example: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (PG: 32-33), Fleming (VARK) (PG: 39-40), Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle (PG: 44), Roger’s Humanist Theory (PG: 45), Skinner’s Behaviourist Theory (PG: 46)

⦁ Explain the theory, and how it relates to teaching.

⦁ If you are already teaching, how does the theory relate to your current teaching practice? (optional)

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