M33089 Psychology And Altruism In Economics And Finance Assignment Answer UK

M33089: Psychology and Altruism in Economics and Finance course explores the intersection between psychology and economics by focusing on the role of altruism in financial decision-making. Altruism, the selfless concern for the well-being of others, has been shown to play a significant role in economic behavior, influencing individuals’ decisions to donate to charity, engage in fair trade practices, and invest in socially responsible funds.

Throughout the course, we will examine the psychological and behavioral mechanisms underlying altruism, including empathy, social norms, and moral principles. We will also explore how economic models can be adapted to account for altruistic behavior, and how these models can be used to inform policy decisions related to charitable giving, corporate social responsibility, and ethical investing.

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Explore free assignment samples for M33089 Psychology And Altruism In Economics And Finance course!

At Diploma Assignment Help UK, we offer a variety of free assignment samples for the M33089 Psychology and Altruism in Economics and Finance course. These samples can be helpful in understanding the type of assignments that may be given in this course, as well as the structure, format, and content that is expected in such assignments. By exploring these samples, you can gain a better understanding of the expectations for this course and develop the skills needed to excel in this field.

In this section, we discuss some assignment objectives. These are:

Assignment Objective 1: Understand the psychological drives of human behaviour in economics situations.

Human behavior in economic situations is driven by a complex set of psychological factors. Some of the most important drives of human behavior in economics include:

  1. Self-interest: The desire to maximize one’s own well-being and outcomes is a powerful motivator in economic decision-making. People often make choices that they believe will benefit themselves the most, even if it means sacrificing the welfare of others.
  2. Social norms: People’s behavior is often influenced by what they perceive to be the expectations of their social group or community. This can include norms around spending, saving, and investing, as well as more specific expectations about how individuals should behave in economic contexts.
  3. Psychological biases: People’s decisions are also influenced by a range of cognitive biases, such as overconfidence, loss aversion, and the endowment effect. These biases can lead people to make suboptimal decisions and to act in ways that are not consistent with their own self-interest.
  4. Emotions: People’s emotional states can also influence their economic behavior. For example, fear and anxiety may cause people to be more risk-averse, while excitement or greed may lead people to take greater risks.
  5. Beliefs and attitudes: People’s beliefs and attitudes about the economy, the government, and other relevant institutions can also shape their economic behavior. For example, people who believe that the economy is rigged against them may be more likely to engage in protest or other forms of political activism.

Assignment Objective 2: Critically evaluate the research methods employed in the economic psychology literature.

The economic psychology literature includes a wide range of research methods, including experiments, surveys, field studies, and neuroscientific methods. The choice of method depends on the research question, the variables being measured, and the context in which the research is conducted. Overall, the methods used in economic psychology are generally rigorous and well-established, although some limitations and biases need to be considered.

One of the most commonly used methods in economic psychology is experimental research. This involves manipulating variables in a controlled setting to observe their effects on behavior. The strengths of experimental research are that it allows researchers to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables and to control for confounding variables. However, the downside is that it is often conducted in artificial laboratory settings, which may not reflect real-world situations.

Survey research is another frequently used method in economic psychology. This involves collecting data through self-report questionnaires or interviews. Surveys are useful for measuring attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that are difficult to observe directly. However, they are subject to biases such as social desirability bias and response bias, which can affect the accuracy of the data.

Field studies are also common in economic psychology, as they involve observing behavior in real-world settings. Field studies have the advantage of being conducted in natural settings, which enhances ecological validity. However, they are often more difficult to control for confounding variables and may suffer from selection bias.

Neuroscientific methods, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), are becoming increasingly popular in economic psychology. These methods can provide insight into the neural processes underlying economic decision-making. However, they are expensive and time-consuming, and the interpretation of neural data is often complex.

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Assignment Objective 3: Understand the market for the provision of goods and services by not-for-profit organisations and charities in particular.

Not-for-profit organizations (NPOs) and charities are important players in the provision of goods and services, particularly in areas where the private sector is not active or cannot deliver services efficiently. These organizations are typically set up with a social or environmental mission and are exempt from paying taxes on their income.

The market for NPOs and charities can be segmented into two categories: the provision of goods and the provision of services.

In terms of goods, NPOs and charities may sell products to generate revenue to support their missions. These goods can range from items that directly support the organization’s cause, such as bracelets for a cancer charity, to products that are more traditional, such as clothing and household items in a thrift store run by a local charity.

Regarding the provision of services, NPOs and charities may offer a wide range of services, including healthcare, education, social services, and environmental conservation. Many of these services are provided free of charge to those who need them, while others may be offered at a reduced cost to ensure affordability for all.

The market for NPOs and charities is highly competitive, with a large number of organizations competing for funding and donations from individuals, governments, and corporations. As such, these organizations must demonstrate their effectiveness and efficiency in providing services and fulfilling their missions to attract support from these sources.

Assignment Objective 4: Critically evaluate the funding, accounting and operational practices of organisations with charitable status.

Organizations with charitable status are held to high standards of transparency and accountability, as they are entrusted with funds that are intended to benefit the public. However, there have been instances where some organizations with charitable status have engaged in unethical practices, mismanagement of funds, or fraudulent activities. Therefore, it is important to critically evaluate their funding, accounting, and operational practices.


Charitable organizations rely on donations, grants, and other forms of funding to support their programs and services. They are expected to use these funds for charitable purposes and to benefit the public. However, some organizations may use their charitable status to attract funds for personal gain. In addition, there have been instances where donations have been misused or diverted for personal purposes, such as extravagant salaries, or other non-charitable activities. Therefore, it is important for charitable organizations to be transparent about their funding sources and use, and for regulators to enforce appropriate oversight and governance.


Charitable organizations are required to maintain accurate and transparent accounting records, to ensure that they are meeting their charitable objectives and to demonstrate accountability to their donors, regulators, and the public. However, some organizations may engage in deceptive accounting practices, such as inflating their expenses or underreporting their income, in order to make their financial statements appear more favorable. Such practices erode trust in the organization and undermine their charitable purpose. Therefore, it is important for regulators to enforce appropriate accounting standards and for organizations to maintain accurate and transparent records.

Operational Practices:

Charitable organizations are expected to operate with integrity and adhere to ethical standards in their programs and services. However, there have been instances where organizations have engaged in unethical practices, such as misrepresenting their programs or services, or using deceptive marketing practices to solicit donations. In addition, some organizations may fail to provide adequate oversight or governance, leading to mismanagement of funds or other fraudulent activities. Therefore, it is important for organizations to adhere to ethical standards and for regulators to enforce appropriate oversight and governance.

Assignment Objective 5: Demonstrate effective identification of information and communication of analysis and findings in a written form.

Effective identification of information and communication of analysis and findings in written form requires a structured approach and clear communication skills. Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Clearly define your research question or problem statement: Before you start gathering data, make sure you have a clear understanding of the problem you are trying to solve. This will help you focus your research and ensure that your analysis is relevant to your research question.
  2. Use appropriate data collection methods: Choose appropriate data collection methods based on your research question and the type of data you need. For example, if you are conducting a survey, make sure your questions are well-designed and relevant to your research question.
  3. Organize your data: Organize your data in a structured way so that you can easily analyze it. This may involve using tables, charts, and other visual aids to help you see patterns and trends in the data.
  4. Analyze your data: Once you have organized your data, you need to analyze it to draw conclusions and insights. This may involve statistical analysis, qualitative analysis, or a combination of both.
  5. Present your findings: When presenting your findings, make sure you clearly communicate your results in a way that is easy to understand. Use charts, tables, and other visual aids to help you convey your findings.
  6. Draw conclusions: Draw conclusions based on your analysis and findings. Make sure your conclusions are well-supported by your data and analysis.
  7. Make recommendations: Based on your conclusions, make recommendations for action or further research. Your recommendations should be practical and actionable.
  8. Edit and proofread: Finally, make sure you edit and proofread your written report to ensure that it is clear, concise, and error-free.

By following these tips, you can effectively identify information and communicate your analysis and findings in written form.

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