Develop a Research Proposal based on a Suitable Topic in the Business Management Field: Business Management Assignment UoC, UK
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BUY NOWDevelop a Research Proposal based on a Suitable Topic in the Business Management Field: Business Management Assignment UoC, UK
University | University of Chichester(UoC) |
Subject | Business Management Assignment |
Module Aim
The module lays the groundwork for undertaking a research project in the final year of the program. In particular, it examines different research philosophies. The basic elements of research design and research process will also be examined. Core skills that will be developed include selecting an appropriate method of data collection and analysis, identifying relevant information sources, preparing and collecting data, analyzing data using different approaches for qualitative and quantitative research projects, and writing the report once the research is completed.
Assignment 1: Essay
In this assignment, you are required to develop a research proposal based on a suitable topic in the Business Management field. Since this module prepares you to undertake a Research Project in the final year of the program, it is recommended that you choose a topic that you intend to work on in your final year.
The research proposal should include the following:
Research Objectives and Research Questions
You are required to identify and formulate a suitable research topic. You should place the proposed study in a context explaining why you have chosen a particular topic. You should develop research questions and research objectives. The research objectives should be clear, precise statements indicating what the research is going to accomplish.
Literature Review and Rationale.
You should undertake a background literature review identifying and analysing the most significant literature relevant to your topic. The literature review should contextualise and justify your research questions. The literature review should be critical, considering and discussing literature that supports and opposes your ideas.
Research Methodology
You should analyse and explain different philosophical approaches to research. You should justify the rationale behind choosing a particular philosophical approach for your research. Your report should explain different types of data (qualitative and quantitative) and the methods of data collection (primary and secondary). You should also explain the rationale behind choosing appropriate data type and data collection methods for your project reflecting on whether the chosen research method is the most effective way to address the research questions and meet the research objectives.
Data Collection and Analysis
Where quantitative techniques are proposed, you should provide a detailed account of how specifically data will be collected. You should indicate the population and sample size and how you will select your sample. You should explain the data analysis methods applied to quantitative data such as examining the trends using statistics or examining the interdependence between two variables. Where qualitative techniques are proposed, you should also explain data analysis approaches of qualitative data such as inductive and deductive techniques.
Research project outcome
The report should briefly outline the intended research outcome indicating the achievement of research objectives through the application of a rigorous research process and use of valid and reliable data.
Overall Structure and Organisation
The report should follow a logical structure and should be consistent in format, presentation, and style.
Harvard referencing should be used both in citation and in the bibliography.
Assignment 2:
In this assignment, you are required to communicate in the form of an individual presentation of the outcomes of your research project with an explanation of the content of each section. Each student will present their proposal for 13-15 minutes.
- The most significant literature is described with an excellent connection to the topic.
- An excellent description of research philosophy and a rationale for choosing a particular research philosophy. The rationale behind choosing data types and methods of the collection is clearly described.
- Data collection methods, participants and data collection process are clearly described. An excellent explanation of the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data is provided.
- Intended research outcomes are identified.
- Information is presented in logical and sequential order to maintain the interest of the audience for full presentation time.
- Appropriate use of vocabulary and voice control
- PowerPoint slides are visually creative, informative and easy to follow by the audience
- Referencing using the correct Harvard Style of all the sources used in the presentation
- Time management using no less than 13 minutes or more than 15 minutes.
Completing the tasks
To complete Assignments 1 and 2, you will need to research different information sources such as textbooks, journals, articles and the internet. You are also required to develop skills in the analysis and presentation of information. Analysis requires you to critically examine different aspects of a topic and identify important issues. Presentation requires you to present the information in a logical and sequential order maintaining consistency of style and coherence of ideas. Make use of information on assignment preparation and command verb usage in your Moodle Platform.
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