- Unit 339 & 340: Understanding Good Practice in Workplace Coaching & Mentoring ILM Level 4 in Management Assignment UK
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- Understand Own Ability to Fulfil Key Responsibilities of the Leadership Role
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- CMI 502 Principles of Developing, Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams to Achieve Success Assignment UK
- Unit 1: Principles of Management and Leadership BTEC Level 5 Assignment UK
- ILM Level 4 Award in Managing Equality & Diversity in an Organisation Assignment UK
- UNIT CMI 703 Collaboration and Partnerships Assignment UK
- UNIT 31: Effective Project Management International BTEC Level 3 Assignment UK
- ATHE Level 6 Unit 2: Assesses the impact of leadership and management skills and behaviours : Personal Leadership and Management Development Assignment, UK
- QUALIFI Level 5 Part 02 Unit 9500: A pilot Research Project is the small scale research project that is intended to highlight the pros: Research Project, UK
- QUALIFI Level 5 Part 01 Unit 9500: Research Project, UK Professional Development Academy
- You are to prepare a discussion paper aimed at the group of middle managers in your organisation : Personal Leadership and development, Assignment, UK
- Critically analyse the environment facing YourOrg, and identify the central issues confronting YourOrg resulting : Strategic Management Assignment , CMU, UK
- Unit 15: This assignment requires you to analyse, design, develop, and evaluate an Internet of Things (IoT) application: Transport Network Design (L5), Assignment BTEC, UK
- Clearly differentiate the terms organisational mission, vision and strategy: Strategic Leadership And Management In Context, Assignment, UK
- ATHE Level 7 : Understand the importance of financial data in formulating and delivering business strategy : Finance for Strategic Managers, Assignment UK
- CMI Unit 703 : Collaboration and partnerships can turn ideas into reality, enhancing opportunities for innovation and creativity, research and development : Collaboration and Partnerships, Assignment, UK
- 7OS01- Explain how the Employment Tribunal, the County Court, The Health and Safety Executive and the Information Commissioner : Advanced employment law in practice, Assignment, UK
- ILM 308 – Describe the factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations: Understanding Leadership Level 3 Assignment , UK
LD7164: You will Produce a Project Feasibility and Economics Report Using a Selected Real World Project and Scenarios: International Financial and Contractual Management NU, UK
University | Northumbria University |
You will produce a Project Feasibility and Economics report using a selected real-world project and scenarios. Over the 12 weeks of lectures and seminars, you will learn about a range of concepts, techniques and methods for performing project appraisal, feasibility and economics. These techniques and methods cover the whole project lifecycle of projects from the Concept phase through Development to Operation and Termination (Figure 1). You will gain an understanding of
(1)The different facets of feasibility including financial, economic, environmental, and social feasibility.
(2)The different economic environments surrounding projects including, macro and microenvironments, and regulatory/legal environments, and finally
(3)Stakeholder environments including the Sponsor, Professional, and Contracting environments.
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Learning outcomes from the Module Descriptor/Specification:
- Critically appraise differing economic perceptions of business organisations as clients/sponsors, professional advisors (independent practice), and contracting organizations relevant to demand, supply, costs and revenues and the operation of markets.
- Critically review a range of concepts, techniques and methods for performing project appraisal and feasibility investigations across the whole project lifecycle of projects from the concept phase through development to operation and termination.
- Discuss the key elements of internationally recognised contracts, the laws of obligation, the fundamental aspects in their administration and aspects of dispute resolution.
Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities:
- Recommend appropriate strategies for project selection and effective financial control in competition/collaboration; public/private sector interactions, and in the interpretation of economic data for resource forecasting.
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):
Developing and reinforcing the ethical characteristics of a Northumbria graduate as you consider the values that underpin ethical approaches to project feasibility and justification. You will have the opportunity to reflect on how these are linked to your own values.
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